Let's Go to the Videotape

Here is the videotape of the September 19 City Council meeting, at which several Council representatives stated their positions on the Franklin Woods rezoning before the matter was tabled until November 21.

A curated index to the video:  issue starts at the 1:32:15 mark with City staff presentations.  1:53:00 Pearson speaks.  2:15:00 JEE speaks.  2:35:00 others speak. 2:40:00 Pearson stormwater person speaks. 2:46:00 Pearson rep speaks. 2:55:35 Pearson rep says Keep Franklin Woods name is trying to appropriate something as if its theirs. 2:50:35 JEE rebuts that. 2:54:00 Planning Commission reps speak. 3:09:00 Humphries explains his vote. 3:15:00 Kellogg explains his vote. 3:18:00 Kirlin explains his vote. 3:26:00 Gallagher explains his vote. 3:30:00 Pierceall explains his vote.  3:36:00 Kirlin comment.  3:39:00 "the haw" begins- discussion, mainly mumbled, of delaying the vote. 3:42:00 Ash Smith speaks.  3:45:10 it's over, for that night - to be resumed on November 21.

As of today:  with us  - stopping rezoning - Kellogg, McAteer, Humphries.
Though Councilman McAteer did not express an opinion on his vote that night, he later told me he was with us and asked to delay the vote to give us more time to sway votes.

Against us - approving rezoning - Kirlin, Gallagher, Pierceall, Bridgeman.
Mayor Bridgeman has long wanted the parcel zoned commercial, and announced it as part of his growth platform as recent as 2015.  He knew this vote would be a negative for many voters and punted with the words "compromise" and "look at the flood situation " some more.  If he wins, he should feel validated to cast a yes vote.  If he loses, perhaps he will honor the voters will and not approve.  But he reserved the right to cast a deciding vote either way.

No matter what happens in the rezoning vote, neither our friends nor our foes will have spent one dang cent by November 21 to alleviate flooding concerns that they themselves deemed real and growing just a year ago.  Water is wickedly apolitical.  Let's deal with that, City Council, whoever you may be come December 1.

Please vote if you haven't already. Early voting polls are open this week until 7pm through Friday.  I know nothing of the position of the new candidates on our issue.  Ask them what they would do, even if not in office to do it.  And ask if they will vote moneys to help abate flooding for us, no matter what. If voting with neighbor concerns is important to you, read the list of names above and vote accordingly (now, or later, when the other council persons are on the ballot).  Whoever wins the election, the same seven folks on our current Council will vote on the issue on November 21.


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