The Deer

I hope you and yours had a pleasant Thanksgiving. After the Council vote Tuesday night, I drove home down Rosemary Lane. When I got to the curve at the bottom of the hill, a very large doe bounded up from the creek side of the road and dashed in front of my car. I slammed on the brakes and watched the deer stop in a thicket of trees in between the houses there. She turned, looked straight at me, then turned away and dashed into the night. A couple of hours earlier I heard someone say that deer didn't exist in Franklin Woods, only vagrants. Heard someone say I didn't have the training or knowledge to understand the flooding situation. Heard someone else say there was no evidence of flood worsening, even though his former supervisor had told me a year ago that flood maps were at least two feet off in our area. Heard my councilman say not one word about helping us with flood control just 60 some days after saying in open session that we needed help with it, and after t...