Hold That Thought

...and Your Yard Sign.

Five Council members expressed opinions last night about the rezoning vote, three for (Kirlin, Gallagher, and Pierceall) and two against (Humphries and Kellogg), before a substitute motion tabled a final vote on the matter until November 21 so that City staff might provide more information on water issues at the parcel. The vote starts afresh then, so your continued lobbying and support is appreciated. The current Council will be voting on the matter then, no matter the results of the election. We will post a curated link to a tape of the meeting in the next day or so.

A video summary of the meeting is at this WCCB newslink.

Thanks to the dozens who showed up September 19, the several who spoke on our behalf, and the over two hundred of you who so far have signed our online petition.  Let's use the delay opportunity to be civil, and share respectfully with those who might differ with us why commercial zoning is not a good solution for this parcel. A better path for the whole City is to "Keep Franklin Woods." 

Thanks for your encouragement. 

A curious placement for the news, but grateful for the word being shared


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